Friday, January 10, 2014

How To Buy A Light Switch

When we were renovating our loft in Brooklyn we were faced with the problem of how to control the lighting in a big space. We had several built in fixtures, pendants and several switched outlets, controlled from three locations, our front door, the kitchen and the hall to the bedrooms.  As we suspected there were many sleek and technologically advanced systems

We looked into several. Most use some kind of slick control panel with a touch screen that controls zones and requires programming things like "themes" or "scenes". This all made me nervous. As a designer working in theater it seemed logical that like most things in my business (decorative foam architectural moulding) home lighting was also becoming more theatrical. 

My head was spinning as I realized the possibilities. Some day soon someone will sell themed packages by famous directors:  the Baz Luhrmann Collection: with "East Egg Sunset" and for Moulon Rouge fans "Burning  Manuscript" in case your 'loft like' condo isn't bohemian enough. Maybe the Brian DePalma "Cocaine Haze" would soon follow. And of course there would be the favorite Kubrick collection with "Napalm Sunrise" and "Red Rum Retreat". 

Stop! The possibilities were mindless. This was not who we were.  But we still debated. As often happens these days, we were drawn to the clever and convenient despite knowing in our hearts it was neither. So as usual I called Caroline. Of course she had the answer. Devon's uncle Dennis, a serial renovator of amazing houses, had recently mentioned in passing that "you should never lave a light switch that a guests need instructions to use". Dennis knew the answer, and Caroline had remembered. So we now have a lovely row of simple light switches. And they work great. Thanks Caroline and Dennis. 

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